Barry founded Reach Out Youth Solutions in 1976 in response to the overwhelming need for effective youth ministries in the local church. Through Reach Out, Barry has developed Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry and Parent Fuel to equip youth leaders, parents, and churches to multiply disciple-making with the younger generation. Now at East-West Barry continues to pursue his same passion for Jesus and a biblical strategy for reaching and discipling the younger generation.
A native of Princeton, WV, Barry graduated from Davidson College in North Carolina with a degree in English. At Davidson, Barry played basketball on the 3rd-ranked team in the nation, competed in cross-country and track, later running in the Boston Marathon. He earned a Masters of Divinity from Southern Seminary in Louisville, KY, and a Doctor of Ministries from Southwestern Seminary in Ft. Worth, TX.
2.3 billion young people globally need to know Jesus! Barry St. Clair gives to anyone who want to expand their influence with the younger generation all of the FREE online training and multi-language resources they need to reach and disciple the next generation.
When you take the “Parent Fuel Challenge” you will have what you need to ignite a fire for God inside your kids. These 7 written resources and 52 videos offered FREE– will motivate, encourage, and guide you on this most challenging adventure of guiding your children to follow Jesus.
All across America the number one place adolescents gather is on their school campus—and the best place to reach them is on that campus! This FREE “Field Guide for Campus Ministry” offers a biblical foundation, a clear strategy and specific ways for youth leaders, teachers and coaches to mobilize a Jesus movement among students.