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Session 2: Go Deeper with Christ

Guiding Principles


All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise noted, aretaken from The Holy Bible, New InternationalVersion. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 byInternational Bible Society. Used by permission ofZondervan. All rights reserved.


Scripture quotations marked THE MESSAGEare taken from THE MESSAGE. Copyright ©1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002.Used by permission of NavPress PublishingGroup.


Scripture quotations marked RSV are takenfrom The Holy Bible: Revised StandardVersion. Copyright © 1946, 1952, 1971 by theDivision of Christian Education of the NationalCouncil of Churches of Christ in the UnitedStates of America.

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How to Lead Others Through This Training

How to Lead Others Through This Training As you interact with Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry, you will discover quickly that the essential foundation for your ministry will be the development of a Leadership Team. You can adapt this training easily to create vision and direction for your volunteers. You can consider beginning the training on a retreat and then continue it in several stand-alone sessions, and/or you can have your team go through some of the sessions individually, and then come together to unpack what they have learned and share the Plans of Action. Encourage them to discover their own unique vision of ministry with the younger generation. Consider the following points as you prepare. ​

1. Prepare thoroughly by becoming very familiar with each JFYM ONLINE session before you take your leaders through it. Then from your own experience supplement the sessions with your own insights and illustrations. ​

2. Decide on the venue for training. If possible, plan to hold the meetings in your home or the home of one of the group members. And meeting in the church is another option. Meeting in an informal atmosphere creates a relaxed environment.

​ 3. Set a time limit for each meeting. Plan for 1 ½ hours for each session: 15 minutes for prayer, questions, and/or sharing, 45 minutes for the Session including time to read the text, watch the video presentations, fill in the “Honest Evaluation,” and give 15 minutes to work on their Plans of Action. After the “Pray with Passion” session, begin to take time to pray in “Prayer Triplets” for students. ​

4. Make available the needed resources for each session. You can download these resources FREE either from the resources on this website or from barrystclair.com. [link]

5. Start on time. Honor the commitment you have made to your leaders.

6. Keep discussions on track. State questions clearly and concisely. Respect each person’s comments. Stay close to the Scriptures. Challenge trite or superficial answers. Ask questions. Make sure everyone participates.

7. Emphasize application. At the end of each session, leave plenty of time for your group to reflect on and write in their Plan of Action. Then give them the opportunity to discuss what they have written. Ask them to select one action they will take during the week. Assign accountability partners to encourage each other between sessions.

How to Go Through This Training Personally

1. Get Started.
In this online experience, you will walk through each Session consecutively. Once you complete one Session, then the next Session will open for you. You can choose to walk through these Sessions at your own pace. Block out time on your the lives of people—beyond, weekly, or set aside a weekend retreat to complete all sessions at once.

​ 2. Read, Watch and Respond.
You will engage in various learning experiences as you go through each of the essential characteristics. And you will enjoy a multi-cultural experience too. You will see and hear from youth leaders from around the world speaking in their native Spanish, Russian, Swahili, or English languages with subtitles for each language. And if you speak another language besides these, you can choose from a variety of other languages.

​ 3. Engage Fully. Prayerfully work
through each Session from the “Goal” through the “Action” Plan.” Listen to what God says to you. Eliminate distractions. Take notes. Journal your thoughts and prayers. Don’t rush this process. Pursue your vision. And ENJOY!

​ 4. Act Immediately.
As soon as you complete one session choose an Action Step from your Plan of Action…and DO IT! Looking at the JFYM Circle Diagram consider prioritizing from the center of the circle outward.

How to Maximize Your Online Training Experience

When you go through and complete the Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry ONLINE experience your ministry will have God’s unique expression on it through you and your church or ministry structure. Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry ONLINE gives you a “big picture” view of how Jesus did ministry, and how you can apply what He did in your ministry. In essence, these six essential characteristics of Jesus’ life and ministry give you a window into His heart and how your heart can become more like His, and it provides you with the skeleton on which you can add the muscles and skin to make your ministry come more fully alive…more like Jesus! Going through the 8 sessions on your own and with your adult leaders will INTRODUCE Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry. Once you begin, you will quickly begin to move your leaders and students to IMPLEMENT each principle, and soon your ministry will begin to MULTIPLY in the lives of the lives of people—beyond what you ever imagined!

My Prayer For You
I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better. I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, and his incomparably great power for us who believe.

Ephesians 1:17-19a

JFYMO “Special Thanks”

My special thanks go to these friends who played a significant role in making this website possible:

Randy Riggins: Randy led Reach Out Youth Solutions International Ministry before becoming the President when I turned over the leadership of the ministry to him after 45 years. We have co-labored to create JFYM Online. As the current President of Reach Out Randy continues to train leaders in the JFYM strategy around the world.

Todd Slocum: Not only has Todd creatively filmed and expertly edited every video on the JFYM Online website, he has done the same for all of my videos over the years. And his friendship and advice has proven equally valuable.

Kevin Miles: Kevin and I have been youth ministry friends and partners since our first conversation. He masterfully implemented the Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry strategy in his church and has trained many other youth leaders to do the same. He has given valuable time to proofread the final content of JFYM Online.

Ernest Pullen: For decades Ernest has assisted me in more ways than I can count. Almost all of my books, newsletters, promotion pieces—anything that needed a graphic design–Ernest has created that for me. He has gone beyond the call of duty so many times and in so many ways, with me and for me. His graphic designs have given a touch of excellence. And beyond that I consider him my close friend and confidant.